
Calm, Relaxed, Happy... and Employed! After TRE®



I was delighted to have this message on my phone after just ONE session of TRE® with this person. They were under a great deal of stress and uncertainty regarding finances, housing, and finding a job.  

This is the transcript of the voice mail:

"Hi this is _____,

I just wanted to let you know that I went to kundalini practice with gong meditation after I came to see you. I felt amazing! and I did a LOT of twitching in savasana. And then I woke up yesterday and I felt so calm and balanced and back in my body. Just centered. It was really great and felt amazing.

I had a pretty busy day and in the midst of it I took a nap; and boy I was just twitching like crazy! But one of the big things I noticed (especially during the kundalini practice) after I'd had those diaphragmatic releases (during TRE®), was my ability to breath more deeply. Like a lot more deeply.

And the last few days I have just felt so good! Relaxed, happy, in my best space.  I got the job that I went to interview for!

Everything has just felt really like “ahhhhh."  Like that constriction has really released. It was amazing! That was an amazing experience! 

It was so subtle. I felt really loved, and supported, and cared about, which was nice. And on top of it it was that extra bit of , “wow, something really actually shifted!  

I am just in an immense amount of gratitude at this moment. I just really want you to know that that was a real genuine healing experience for me, and it has dramatically improved my quality of life.  I just wanted to tell you thank you.  I look forward to see you again. Thank you!"

TRE® is such a gift to offer my patients. It can be a key to unlocking and fully accessing your own energy, clarity, and emotional resiliency.

Everyone needs strategies for dealing with stress! (I'll be glad when this election season is over!) TRE® is one of the best ways I know to release stress from the body and restore equilibrium to the nervous system.

Benefits can include:

  • Reduced musculoskeletal pain
  • Better Sleep
  • Feeling more "grounded"
  • Less social anxiety
  • Getting hired for your dream job because you were confident, comfortable, and grounded during your interview!

Learn TRE® from me in my office or come to the Oregon Coast Oct 21,22,23 for Yes, This! Wellness Retreat. 


If you would like to find your own calm, relaxed, happy place, come learn TRE® with me at the Yes, This! Wellness Retreat October 21,22,23 in Nehalem Oregon. 

Listen to this fun interview I did recently (9-30-16) with my retreat co-facilitator, Lisa Levine from Audacious Wellness! 


Back to School


My husband is a teacher, and I spent so many years in school, and with kids going back to school, that late August will always feel like "back to school" time. We also have a lot of late August birthdays in our family. Right about now I start longing for more structure, fewer parties, more vegetables, fewer cocktails, more yoga, fewer late nights. Don't get me wrong: I love our summers of fun! It's just time for a correction. I know I am not alone in this shift! I am a big fan of self-care routines- which I didn't realize were a "thing" these days. There are so many different ways we can "add health" to our daily routines it can easily become overwhelming. One way I manage the overwhelm is to make short term commitments to a routine- 30-40 days- and then re-evaluate. Do I love it? How do I feel? Did I notice a difference? Is it sustainable? Do I want to keep going or start a new routine? My plan: 40 days of the same Kundalini kriya

New supplement routine focusing on immune support: Daily Nutrient Pack, extra Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Olive   Leaf, Reishi mushroom

In bed by 10 pm (or earlier)

Morning/Evening journaling using the structure of the 5 minute journal plus some exercises from Lynda Barry's   Syllabus (which is my latest obsession)


Did you notice... one of my philosophies of health is that it is easier/better/more effective to ADD health to the system rather than take things AWAY. Notice I did NOT say, I'm going to cut out all sweets, alcohol etc. Or do an elimination diet. Or say NO to all social invitations. But the focus of my routine will help me find my way back to feeling centered, good in my body, rested, energized, all those things that naturally lead to making better decisions about when and how much to indulge.

I got the idea of a 30 day new "routine" from my niece Amelia when she was living in Portland, and also from Gretchen Rubin's book The Happiness Project, which is also a great read and wonderful resource for embracing new healthier habits.

I'd love to hear about any "back to school" changes in routine that are working for you!

Give Yourself to Yourself Yoga and Healing Retreat Portland Oct 4, Seattle Oct 5

Join Veronica Brown and Louise Rose, ND,  for a unique one day mini retreat combining Naturopathic medicine and Kundalini yoga as a catalyst for healing.  Come to enhance your clarity, purpose, and vitality; bring more resilience to daily stress, doubts and fears.  Restore the harmony of body, mind, and spirit by removing obstacles that block one's path to serenity.

Celebrate the healing power we ALL possess in a fun and relaxed atmosphere! All fitness levels welcome!

A vacation in a day! For Portland Oct 4th  RESERVE YOUR SPOT HERE  For Seattle Oct 5th RESERVE YOUR SPOT HERE

Our day includes:

  • Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Awareness) activates a healthy body and balanced mind, while increasing your energy and radiance. Through postures, mantras, and meditation Kundalini Yoga strengthens the immune system and the ability to recognize the causes of negative emotions.
  • Experience inspired bodywork, essential oils, and supercharged nutrition to help soothe frayed nerves, release blocks, and restore balance.
  • Learn from a Naturopathic Doctor how to harness the power of your body to work for you.  Blossom into your potential.
  • Tools to create lasting change. Many retreats offer a heavenly experience and then it's "back to the grind." We provide you a heavenly experience AND tangible self-care techniques to take with you.
  • Veronica BrownYoga Instructor and Healing Bodywork. Internationally renowned in the healing arts, Veronica Brown has been a certified yoga instructor for over 20 years. A Reiki Master and Harmonium Healer (energy work), her practice also includes Sports Massage, Thai Yogassage, reflexology and remote healing. Using her intuitive healing gifts, Veronica locates and dissolves stress, thereby activating the natural healing process. Veronica has taught Kundalini yoga over 15 years, for private clients, workshops and at Angel City Yoga in L.A. Many of her students are now successful teachers. Clients that have experienced Veronica’s healing magic include: Demi Moore and family, Christina Aguilera, Annie Lennox, Dave Stewart (Eurythmics), Ariana Huffington, Mick Jagger, Kanye West, Rivers Cuomo (Weezer) and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, with whom she tours regularly. A native Montanan, Veronica divides her time between her practice in Venice Beach,CA, Montana, traveling for clients and conducting yoga retreats.

What Veronica's clients are saying:

  •  “The best cure for what ails you is Veronica Brown!“  Dave Stewart (Rolling Stone Magazine)
  • • “I went through a traumatic experience and with Veronica’s healing I had a successful recovery for which I am grateful.  VB is no ordinary therapist. She doesn’t look at the body/mind/soul as separate pieces. Instinctively she sees everything as a whole. Therefore after a session with her, you feel healed- not only physically but also spiritually rejuvenated.” Dave Stewart, (Eurythmics)
  •  “Veronica Brown is a conductor of rejuvenation for the human experience.  She helped me reach my potential while on tour in ways that were not possible without her. I will always be grateful for time spent working with her. Because of Veronica we’re ending healthier than we started. Veronica truly exorcised my demons!” Anthony Kiedis, Red Hot Chili Peppers 
  • • “Everybody has different things that keep them together… we have Veronica!” Flea, Red Hot Chili Peppers 
  • Dr. Louise RoseNaturopathic medicine is the past and the future of health care.  The current model of medicine focuses on disease, pathology and symptom management. Dr. Rose’s patients learn to become stewards of their own health, restore life’s natural rhythms, practice self care, and reconnect with their birthright of vitality and aliveness.  

    25 years of experience as a whole foods chef informs Dr. Rose’s nutritional philosophy that food is our first medicine for building a foundation of health. 

    One of Dr. Rose’s passions is  her love for the therapeutic power of water. The roots of Naturopathic medicine emerge from the European water cure traditions. Central to Rose Cabinet Medicine are the sauna, cold plunge, and tepidarium where patients come for renewal and to rediscover what wellness feels like. Dr. Rose is a graduate of  the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland Oregon. Other therapies that she is trained in include; Botanical Medicine including extensive training with essential oil therapies, Homeopathy, Shiatsu Massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Biotherapeutic Drainage, Gemmotherapy, and LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System).

What Dr. Rose's patients are saying:
  • (after working with Dr. Rose) I arrived at a new sense of peace and well-being. My mind had space for quiet and stillness; my body more easily settled into a place of peace and comfort; my spirit lit up the from inside out. While life still happened, I found a greater capacity to cope with the challenges; the lessons learned and the renewal experienced have lasted me through a season. Thank you Dr. Rose!  Sharon Chinn
  • I simply can't remember the last time I felt so cared for. Brought tears to my eyes. Sandy Keiter
PS I'm making chicken bone broth even as we speak. How 'bout that?

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

Not appropriate for young children, but mature teens and adults are welcome!

What can/can't I bring to the event?

Bring a yoga mat, water bottle, pen and paper. Bring a pillow or bolster for comfortable sitting during lecture times. Wear comfortable clothing appropriate for yoga practice.

Will there be food provided?

We will have supercharged nutritious snacks.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Contact Dr. Rose at or 503-308-8608

Who took that amazing photo of the light splitting the trees?

Thank you to Corky Miller for the photograph.  To see more of his work go to his blog